Janning Family Chiropractic offers family centered chiropractic and wellness care to the communities of Granger, Woodward, Madrid, Perry and greater Des Moines. Dr. Chris Janning started Janning Family Chiropractic in 2012 with the purpose of offering personalized neurological based chiropractic care in a convenience and family friendly atmosphere that only a small town can offer. We utilize the latest technology to provide you with modern, cutting-edge health care.
Our mission is to create a community of connected families whom optimize their life through the benefits of chiropractic care and a wellness lifestyle.
We believe in meeting people where they are at in their health journey while also inspiring them to reach the healthiest version of themselves.
We strive towards bringing health to systems as a whole, such as families and our community. We feel if one part of a system is not functioning well it impairs that whole system. If all parts of the system are well it leads to an amazing and full life.
To fulfill our mission, Dr. Janning is available for complimentary community outreach and lunch and learn sessions on a wide variety of health topics. If you or your organization are interested, please contact us with any questions you may have.